Thursday, December 20, 2012

I Got the Job!!!

Hey blogger people,

This is an update on my current job searchings. Remember the post I did about a month ago about how much fun job searching was??? Well my search has officially ended...Yeah partaaayy!!

I wanted to say thank you to everyone who had a hand in helping me make head way in my search. A big thank you to Dorsa and Diana for giving me suggestions of places I could apply to as well as trying out job fairs (which I know is how most people find their jobs), a big thank you to Harmony for sending my resume to her boss (that was awesome), a big thank you to my parents for being supportive through the whole thing and always believing I would find the right one, a Huge Thank You to Sunny for handing my resume to his boss and strongly recommending me (you're the bestest Sunny), and a Huge Thank You to David's mom, Maggie who did all this research to find firms that were hiring and sending in a recommendation for me to every one of them and believing in me through the whole process!!

And Thank You Bubby for believing in me and supporting me through the whole thing and telling me that I would find the perfect job when the time was right!

I was offered a position as a Program Analyst for the same company Sunny works for. It is located in Stafford and I am looking forward to start working there come January 2, 2013. Wow it will be the year 2013 in two weeks. 2012 went by so fast...but what a year it has been! This year was a blast and I know next year will be even better. New Year, New Job and new experiences and things to learn, I can't wait :)

Bring it on 2013....

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