Saturday, December 17, 2011

We Got a Dog :)

I have not posted anything on this blog in a while...sorry I have been very lazy and pre-occupied with things. One of which I am about to tell you about :)

David has wanted a dog since I first met him. He had a border collie several years ago but she passed away when she got cancer, she was only 2 or 3 years old at the time. He loves dogs so much and he knew he would get another dog someday. Well today was that day!

But first to tell you how it all started. Last week David found a rescue site online called Lucky Dog Rescue that saves dogs from being euthanized from various kennels. He saw "Eddie" the australian shepherd, blue merle 1.5 years old and fell in love with him instantly. I think it was those ice, blue eyes of his :) He contacted some people from the Lucky Dog Rescue...a few emails, phone calls and a home visit later he was approved to adopt "Eddie", who he wanted to name "Achilles".

A few hours before we were scheduled the pick up "Achilles" we bought some doggie supplies at the PetCo. Then we went to Subway and David did a "puppy dance" because we had less then an hour until "Achilles" arrived.

Afterwards we drove to the meeting place where the rescue team was dropping off several dogs to new owners. While we waited for him to arrive David filled out the adoption paperwork for "Achilles". It was so cold outside so I spent some time in the car to keep warm.

Not too long after "Achilles" was here and he popped right out of his crate to say 'Hello!'

After we picked up Achilles we drove straight to Erik and Dorsa's house so Ella could meet/play with Achilles and also so Achilles could make a new friend/best friend/wife. Yeah they pretty much got married to each other upon meeting :) They ran around and around in the backyard and had a lot of fun....until Achilles decided to jump into the pond in Dorsa's gross. So David had to give him a bath even though we had planned on giving him one the next day anyway so it all kind of worked out. After the bath Achilles looked a lot better and smelled better too!

He is a very good dog and was already bonding with David from the start :) We took him to Lejia and my place and he followed us everywhere we went it was so cute!

He's the best dog and David and I are really happy we chose him to adopt because he has so sweet and has already filled that little "empty" place in our hearts :)

Christmas is in a week and I will be sure to post stuff from then!!!


  1. ummm you forgot to mention that he now has a girlfriend and he jumped in our pond...

  2. I added the part about Ella getting married to Achilles and then jumping in the pond :)

