Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today I had a Wednesday

So today was Wednesday, awesome. Work was busy for a change so I was able to keep myself occupied rather then waiting for my face to hit the keyboard...just kidding! Had a lovely evening with Dorsa at the Rite Aid talking about anti-itch cream while an awkward man stood near by looking at Bengay and deciding if we were as weird as him...probably. Then had a lovely dinner, very german and filling. :) The drive to and from work, as well as from my place to everyone else is always long enough to allow me to reflect on things and to enjoy the moments I have and not stress about the little things. Try to live in the moment. Try it. It can be hard at times when all your worries are constantly tugging at your ankles but I think I can do it this year! Yeah! :)

1 comment:

  1. :) man I love our random talks... ps remember that time at blockbuster...... omg still the FUNNIEST day ever! Let's do it again. haha

    yay for not stressing over the little things :)
